• Promethean ActivPanel 9 Premium
    Promethean ActivPanel 9 Premium

C Pen for School , Home , Work

C-Pen empowers your ability to read, understand and learn –at home, in school and at work.
In School

With a C-Pen device, your students get a tool that empowers them to read, understand and learn independently.

Whether it is dyslexia, visual impairments, aphasia, or anything else, a reading difference is challenging. Every day students must decode text from paper. Schools may prep students with digital content, a computer, with speech software, or perhaps a human reader at exams, but students still need support through printed text. There are still situations where educators do not have the capacity to support students. C-Pen’s text-to-speech education products fill that need gap. They promote active independent reading, understanding, and learning.

At Home

Using C-Pen at home makes it easier to understand, whether you are learning to read, study a new language, or just doing your homework

The learning process doesn’t stop just because you leave school and head home. You still do homework, read books, and self-study. With a C-Pen reading pen, you get a tool that empowers a learner’s ability to study autonomously. C-Pen’s reading pens have user-friendly and adaptable interfaces, making them accessible regardless of the user’s age or digital experience.

At Work

C-Pen boosts overall efficiency and helps employees with reading disabilities to optimise their performance without compromising integrity or security.Empower your employees , Make your research easier , Streamline your paperwork

Selected Models

C-Pen Reader 2

Supporting reading and literacy – based on the very popular ReaderPen

Improvements and new features

Semi graphical user interface for improved accessibility.
More powerful CPU and more memory.
Latest AI based embedded OCR technology.
Faster speech for improved productivity. Still supporting lower pace reading with pauses and programmable delay.
Audio Boost feature, making it easier to use in various environments.
Improved accessibility of word definitions.
NEW: Practice recent words – pronunciation and definitions.

Lingo 3

Exciting Lingo 3 features
Read across the world
5 built-in languages and 40+ more languages available when connected online.
Voice recognition and dictation
Take voice notes, making personalised MFL support easy.
Library for voice & scanned text
Save scanned text and recorded voice memos to support language acquisition.
Practice your skills
Lingo 3’s practice mode makes it easy to study vocab, pronunciation and spelling.
Intuitive navigation
The large colour touchscreen makes Lingo 3 a reading pen that’s as easy and intuitive to navigate as a tablet.
Literacy support
More than a translator, Lingo 3 supports people with literacy needs, no matter the language.

Call us on 051-307010 or Submit the form